School Uniform
Our school takes pride in the high standards which we expect in all aspects of school life. We believe that our pupils’ high standard of dress is a reflection of this. All pupils are expected to wear the basic school uniform which is:
Grey or black trousers or skirt
White polo shirt
Red sweatshirt or cardigan (no need to be branded)
Black shoes (not trainers).
[A red and white checked dress and shorts (grey or black) can be worn depending on the weather conditions]
PE Kit:
Plain T shirt (in team colours)
Black shorts (or tracksuit bottoms in the winter)
Ebchester CE Primary School reserves the right to provide appropriate uniform for those pupils who are not dressed appropriately.
Children are allowed to wear a watch for school but for health and safety reasons it is school policy that earrings and other jewellery must be kept at home. It is also for health and safety reasons that those children with hair long enough to be tied back must do so.
You can now order our School Uniform online.
The range includes a selection of the following:
Embroidered Red School Sweatshirts, V-Neck Jumpers and Cardigans
Embroidered White Polo Shirts and Coloured T-shirts
Embroidered Red Reversible Fleece Jackets
Embroidered School Bags
All of the items of embroidered school uniform listed above are available from Moette – orders from Moette can be delivered to school free of charge.
Sweatshirts, cardigans and polo tops are also available at Ebchester CE Primary School – etika uniforms
Please note that there is no expectation that uniform is purchased from the above retailers.
If you require further information about our uniform please contact the school office.