Mathematics is essential to everyday life and provides a foundation for understanding the world. It is critical to science, technology and engineering and is necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. We at Ebchester CE Primary School believe that our mathematics curriculum will develop our pupils to be well-rounded, resilient and responsible members of society by the time they leave our school, equipped with the skills needed to face life’s adventures and challenges.
Our mathematics curriculum ensures all children have the fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills needed to prepare them for their life and education when they move on from Ebchester CE Primary School. Through regular practice, our children will develop their fluency and understanding of number and calculation and be able to recall and apply knowledge rapidly. They will be able to reason about relationships between numbers and systems and be able to justify and articulate their lines of enquiry. Our focus on resilience will allow pupils to persevere with problem solving by applying their fluency and reasoning in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
At Ebchester CE Primary School, mathematics is championed as a subject which not only develops numerical literacy and fluency, but also the skills of team work, friendship and resilience. As well as out daily mathematics lessons, we hold weekly competitions, challenges and clubs to help our children develop a love of the subject in a context where they can share their learning with their peers. These extra-curricular sessions provide children with the opportunity to solve problems and puzzles as they develop team work skills, communication skills and resilience in a fun and interactive setting.
Progression of Learning
Click below to view our Maths progression of learning documents for Year 1 and Year 6-
Maths Progression of Vocabulary
Maths Guide for Parents
Sometimes the word ‘maths’ brings back memories of page after page of hard and boring calculations! More importantly, you may feel confused when you look at your child’s maths books which will contain pictures, writing, number lines and jottings.
The aim of the parent’s maths guide is to outline some of the ideas relating to number development used at Ebchester Church of England Primary School. These range from the early counting skills and drawings in the Infants to more formal calculations used by the older children.
We hope that it will allow parents to support their children with their homework by using the same strategies that they are familiar with in school.